Home Visits

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Prenatal Intake Visits - $225

Some families want more information on breastfeeding prior to the birth of their baby. Many women have specific questions or concerns regarding breastfeeding. This visit entails an assessment of your breast and a tailored consultation addressing your families specific desires & goals breastfeeding.

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Initial Postnatal- Home Visit - $325 (90 Min)

This visit is typically within the first week of your newborns life. After leaving the hospital many new questions arise as your baby changes each day. This is typically a lengthy visit of 1-2 hours assisting latch, positioning & beyond in the comforts of your own home.

Follow Up Postnatal-Home Visit - $275

Is picking up where we left off.. often within the first month we explore other questions related to pumping & bottle feeding. Sometimes, we need a refresher on latch & positioning. Or maybe we are monitoring milk supply and weight gain that cannot be accomplished in just one visit.

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In Hospital Postnatal Visit - $200

Sometimes families want assistance beyond what is being offered within the hospital and have a private lactation consult before discharge. This can prevent early problems from being missed & getting off to a good start. 

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Initial Postnatal -Home Visit (Twins) - $400 - (120 Min)

Twins is the same; just two babies = more time spent. Double the time & attention.

Follow Up Postnatal-Home Visit (Twins) - $325

Twins is the same; just two babies = more time spent. Double the time & attention.

Travel Fee May apply: $25 - $50

Pay at time of service: Venmo: @ Kaitlin-Burger, cash, or check accepted

Invoice will be submitted upon request for patient to submit to insurance.